Saturday 23 June 2012

Mangroves @ Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Mangroves @ Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Mangroves @ Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Mangroves are various kinds of trees up to medium height and shrubs.They are planted along  the shore to prevent or reduce coastal erosion by weakening wave energy.


  • Planting of mangroves Mangroves with their prop roots help trap sediments and reduce coastal erosion. 
  • It does not spoils the beauty natural environment 
  • It is cheaper compared to the other coastal protection
  • environmentally friendly and long-lived materials like steel or concrete on the sea floor.

  • young mangroves are weak and therefore easy to be destroyed
  • It reduces the amount of space for farmers and development 

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Breakwaters @ East Coast Park

Breakwaters @ East Coast Park

Breakwaters @ East Coast Park
( Built with one end attached to coast )
Breakwaters @ East Coast Park
( Built parallel to coast )

Breakwaters are usually made of granite. They are often used to protect a harbour or a stretch of coastline. They can be built with one end attached to the coast or away from the coast, parallel to it. When constructed offshore, it create a zone of calm water between itself and the coast, and allow deposition to occur, forming beaches.

- Effectiveness

  • Long term protection ( lasts up to 15 years )
  • Break the force of high-energy waves ( destructive waves ) before they reach the shore. 
- Ineffectiveness

  • Expensive to construct ( Estimated cost : S$1 Million per breakwater )
  • Unable to provide complete protection, hence erosion may still occur.

Gabions @ Changi Sea Sports

Gabions @ Changi Sea Sports

Gabions @ East Coast Park
Gabions @ East Coast Park

Gabions are strong wired cages filled with crushed rocks. They are stacked up to form a wall and piled up along the shore to prevent or reduce coastal erosion by weakening wave energy.

- Effectiveness

  • Cheaper to build ( compared to sea walls, breakwaters and groynes )
  • Protects the other coastal protection structures ( Example : Sea walls )
- Ineffectiveness

  • Short term protection ( lasts for less than 15 years )
  • Easily destroyed by powerful waves during storms
  • Rocks are easily eroded away
  • Wired cages are corroded easily, and soon rust
  • Visitors may hence get cut by rusty metal
  • Spoils the natural beauty of the beach